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Brand New Weight Loss Method “totally Unique”

Next: For Friends and Affiliates Only… What would people say about you, if you were able to turn a smoker into a non-smoker… in just 17 minutes? What would they be willing to pay you, if you could get them to change life-long patterns of overeating, in as little as 18 minutes? How would you feel if you could help those you care about reduce their stress, overcome their phobias, or just be happier… and what if you could do that for them in 20 minutes or less? “Now You Can Have Fun, Help Others and Make Money at the Same Time as a Powerful Hypnotist…”“I had never hypnotized anyone before in my life. But roughly an hour into Jeff’s class, when I said ‘sleep,’ this guy’s body just went limp, his head fell forward and practically landed in my lap. It was freaky!” Blake Thomas Wyomissing, PA It’s FINALLY ready… for years, people have been asking Master Hypnotist Jeffrey Stephens to create a home study course teaching his proven methods for using rapid inductions, and creating lasting, positive change. And now he’s ready to break his silence and “spill the beans” to show you how to quickly and easily master hypnosis using his proven ten step formula! I’m going to try something very different here. Nearly every hypnotist on the web wants to impress you with what great hypnotists they are. But it’s easy for great hypnotists to do their thing, so you don’t really care about that. You want someone who can actually teach you to be a great hypnotist — and that’s what Jeff Stephens does — brilliantly — in this hypnosis workshop. So instead of creating a lot of hype, I’m just going to tell you what’s in it and allow you to make your own decision. You see, I figure this letter is among friends. The only people who will have access to this page are people who are already familiar with Jeff’s work, or those referred to Jeff by someone else who is impressed with his work. So I am going to treat you like a friend here – and that means I am going to leave out all the hype about how you will be able to control people, bend their wills and make them do anything you want. Instead, let’s talk about how you can help yourself and help others by giving people what they want. There is a lot of information in this letter. That is because I want you to make an informed decision… We are making this offer available for a limited time (more about that later), so I want you to be sure about your decision when you order this course. With information this powerful, I don’t want to send one to the wrong person. So let’s get started… ? From: Blake Thomas Thursday, 8:38 AM Wyomissing, PA OK, in order to treat you like a friend, I’m going to start in a rather unlikely spot… and I am going to be completely blunt: Why Some People Shouldn’t Buy This Course… There are definitely some people who should NOT buy this course. No offense, but if any of these describe you, well… you should probably not be on this web page… Please don’t buy Jeffrey Stephens Hypnosis Workshop if you don’t intend to do hypnosis. Jeff starts the workshop with two rules: 1. Never waste a good hypnotic state… ever! 2. If you have no intentions or plans to play with this at all, you have no business being here. So if you’re the kind of person who wants to learn all the hypnotist’s methods — but never go out and do them, use them, play with them — save your money. Just 55 Minutes into this Course, You’ll be Ready to Start Hypnotizing People … and by the end of Module 1, you can actually begin dropping people into hypnosis, deepening the state, putting them through a brief “blitz” (designed to allow them to concentrate better, learn more easily, enjoy the experience) and bring them out of it feeing refreshed, alert and fantastic! How do I know that? Because I was there when the video was shot. I had never hypnotized anyone before in my life, but roughly an hour into Jeff’s class, when I said ‘sleep,’ this guy’s body just went limp, his head fell forward and practically landed in my lap. It was freaky! So I now know first-hand that Jeff’s methods work, and they work really fast. Nowadays to me, hypnosis is a gigantic playground. I had been interested in it for years… In fact, I had spent a bunch of money on a bunch of courses, but I never felt comfortable or confident enough to actually do anything with it. Now, after taking this course, I can actually do hypnosis. I did it myself and so did every other person in the workshop… no exceptions! That’s why I’m so confident that you can too, when you get this course. Jeff’s workshop is for serious players (or even serious beginners) who really want to have fun doing hypnosis. That’s right, being serious about hypnosis doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with it. In fact, it means just the opposite…. Everything Jeff teaches is about being able to have fun, help people and make money (if you want to) using hypnosis. It’s what he does every day, and it’s what he teaches. In fact, I think that’s a big part of what differentiates him from all the dabblers, sidlers and pseudo-intellectuals out there. He doesn’t dabble in hypnosis. He does hypnosis. He doesn’t blab for hours about theory, he drops people in seconds, fixes their problems and brings them out. No fuss, no mess. And if you are willing to follow his system, put it to work for you, and do what he does (and shows you exactly how to do in this powerful training), then I am convinced Jeffrey Stephens Hypnosis Workshop will allow you to truly learn, practice and master hypnosis. Jeffrey Stephens is an Incredibly Good Hypnotist, He’s a “Master Hypnotist Extraordinaire…”“I am particularly excited to introduce you to him… He has developed something which he’s famous for, which is the 15 minute therapy… You will not regret any moment spent with him.. To play the audio, click the play button (the blue triangle) below: Igor Ledochowski Conversational Hypnosis Expert Jeff’s Stuff Works “Frighteningly Well…”“Jeff Stephens is by far one of the best hypnotists I know – and I’ve trained with people from around the globe. He has a talent for making even advanced concepts simple, and straight forward, and will show you how to plough through the blatant B.S sadly so prevalent in most hypnosis approaches. Jeff’s stuff works quite frighteningly well – he’s hypnotized me in the past, and the results were staggering! My advice to you as a fellow hypnotist is to take Jeff’s training at any cost (and heck, he always undercharges anyway) because you know he only teaches the real, effective hypnosis which actually gets results. Thank you Jeff, for being such a great teacher and mentor. Nathan Thomas www.keystothemind.com ? The Information is “Pure Gold…” Hi Jeff, I have your course. I bought it on the launch day . I have to say that your course has given me the pieces of the puzzle that were missing. And now every thing is beginning to fall into place. I am eternally grateful for that. Hopefully if you ever hold a seminar in this part of the world I will try to get there and attend. Because the information you have given me here is pure gold. Many thanks and best wishes for the future. John G. Rep Of Ireland ? The Course is Great… Probably the best I have come across in the two years I have been doing hypnosis. Many thanks Dale Smyth United Kingdom If you’re afraid you won’t be able to do it, or that it won’t work for you, consider… Three Undeniable Truths About Every Single Hypnotist… Undeniable Truth #1: Every hypnotist on the planet started out knowing nothing about hypnosis. That’s just a fact. Like nearly every other human skill or behavior, it had to be learned. Undeniable Truth #2: Every hypnotist on the planet learned it from someone else. Another obvious fact. No one is born with inherent hypnotic knowledge. But naturally, the people from whom you learn it will be a huge contributing factor to your success. Undeniable Truth #3: You master hypnosis by doing it. Read, watch or listen to others as much as you want. But you can’t master hypnosis until you actually do hypnosis. This course will get you started… Whether You’re a Medical Doctor, Interested in Learning Hypnosis to Provide Non-Pharmaceutical Pain Relief for Clients, a Clinical Psychologist Interested in Faster Ways to Help Clients through Their Most Difficult and Challenging Issues or Just Someone Who Wants to Do Hypnosis for Fun or Profit, this Breakthrough, In-Depth Training is for you. When I arrived at the workshop, I was surprised to discover that there were several doctors in attendance. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have been… Hypnosis has been used for pain relief for ages. Literally, before pharmaceutical anesthesia, doctors used it to numb patients prior to surgery. Believe it or not, many still do. In fact… Dentistry.com says hypnosis can be used to have the mind eliminate pain. WebMD.com reports a medical oncologist in Minneapolis has participated in numerous surgeries (including hysterectomies and tracheostomies) in which hypnosis was used as the sole agent for pain control. Don’t believe them? Maybe you’ll believe this report from the National Cancer Institute which says that women undergoing surgery for breast cancer required less anesthesia and pain medication during surgery, and reported less pain, nausea, fatigue, and discomfort after surgery when they received a brief hypnosis session before entering the operating room. The report also says the overall cost of surgery was “significantly less for women undergoing hypnosis.” Just Like Gravity, Hypnosis Works Whether You Believe in it or Not… It took Jeff Stephens years of refining to be able to squeeze three decades of hypnosis experience into this single, eight-module training course. It has been an exhausting process. Jeff has been living, eating, sleeping and breathing hypnosis for more than thirty years. And every day of that… and every live training Jeff has conducted over the years has better prepared him to reach this point, where he has crammed his very best tips, tricks and techniques into this single, powerful course. The bottom line is that Jeff has poured his heart and soul into this course, and he hasn’t left anything out. This is his COMPLETE guide to his entire step-by-step process for creating rapid, positive change using hypnosis. Until now, Jeff’s methods have been a closely guarded secret, revealed only to those who have invested $1,500 or more to attend one of his multi-day training events. But now, for the first time ever, Master Hypnotist Jeffrey Stephens’ revolutionary system is available to you to learn and profit from, in the privacy of your own home or office for a fraction of the cost. The Jeff Stephens Advantage There are lots of people who claim to teach hypnosis these days, but here are a few things that make Jeff Stephens stand out: 1. His system is tested, proven and easy-to-learn. Every one of the students who attended this workshop was hypnotizing people within the first hour — several times with the first few hours. With this training, you can do the same. 2. The system is packed with steps and instructions, not theory and filler. No endless lectures or boring history lessons. Just the actual steps, words and commands that will get the results you want. 3. Learn from a seasoned practitioner, not just a student or teacher. Some teachers have never practiced. Some practitioners can’t teach. Jeff gives you the best of both worlds… he’s a real world practitioner who teaches what he lives. Even educational institutions have brought him in to teach hypnosis to their psychology classes. 4. You’ll believe you can do it. If you’ve ever seen or heard a really smooth-talking, polished hypnotist, you may have said to yourself, “I can never be like that.” When Jeff reveals his methods to you, you’ll say, “Wow, I can do this!” 5. Jeff’s course is less about him and more about you. Many hypnotists feel they have to play to the crowd. They want to impress you with their persona. Jeff doesn’t want to impress you, he wants to empower you. And that’s just what this course will do… In Jeff Stephens Hypnosis Workshop, you’ll discover: How to have fun, help others and get paid (if you want to) by hypnotizing people. Jeff’s exclusive ten step process for creating rapid, positive change in as little as 20 minutes or less. Two simple questions that quickly establish hypnotic context …and much more The system includes Eight Online Video Training Modules and a detailed Hypnosis Manual that gives you all the scripts, bullet-points and techniques you’ll need to use Jeff’s process on your hypnotic subjects . But let me break it down for you and show you exactly what you get with each individual component. Module 1 gives you an overview of the most important aspects of Jeff’s process. In fact, by the end of this module — in roughly an hour — you’ll be ready (and more importantly able) to drop someone into hypnosis for the first time. The Jeffrey Stephens Hypnosis Workshop Module 1 ? In this brief clip from Module 1: Jeff creates hypnotic phenomena without any formal induction or trance… Welcome & Overview Two Rules for Hypnosis The Importance of Context and Intent. Two Questions that Set the Context for Hypnosis Why Great Hypnotists Never “Try” An Introduction to Rapid, Simple Deepeners Hypnosis that Sticks: A Demonstration of Hypnotic Phenomena A Demonstration of the Eight Word Induction Using “The Blitz” to Increase Learning, Enjoyment and Retention Exercise 1 : Now it’s Your Turn to Do Hypnosis for the First Time! After you’ve gone through Module 1 and actually done hypnosis for the first time, you’ll be ready to continue with Module 2, which builds on the material in Module 1, outlines the Five Step Exduction, addresses congruency and shows how to anchor a feeling to an object with waking hypnosis. The Jeffrey Stephens Hypnosis Workshop Module 2 ? In this brief clip from Module 2: Jeff discusses the importance of congruency. Techniques Related to the Eight Word Induction Rocking clients to enhance the experience Everything you do is an induction Hypnotizing those who don’t believe in it How to get someone to “want” to do what you tell them to Creating a scenario they can accept and believe Hypnotic instructions should not “wear off” Intent sets the mode for everything you do Avoiding the terms “relax” and “relaxation” The Five Step Exduction How to use “cues” to keep the subconscious following your instructions Conscious vs. Subconscious mind: An Illustration The “Myth” of self-hypnosis Congruency: What you say and how you say it. Who can (and can’t) be hypnotized? What is a somnambulist? A demonstration: Hypnotizing a somnambulist Waking Hypnosis: Anchoring feelings to an object How to give instructions to the subconscious to get the result you want Exercise 2 : Adding the Five Step Exduction to your process Module 3 introduces the Boilerplate, which allows you to take control of the situation so the subject is not distracted by sounds, feelings or even self-talk. Jeff introduces you to the “Super Suggestion,” tells you how to tie their own breathing to the process and how to prevent anyone from hijacking your hypnosis: The Jeffrey Stephens Hypnosis Workshop Module 3 ? In this brief clip from Module 3: Jeff explains the necessity of staying in their heads.. The difference between social compliance and hypnosis “The deeper you go, the better you feel…” Using internalized, associated language Fractionation and a preview of complex deepeners The Boilerplate: Taking control of the environment Being in their heads (not yours) Hypnotizing pillows and chairs The “Super Suggestion” Three things you “MUST” give your client Suggestibility tests as inductions Can someone hijack your hypnosis? Using disorientation to enhance the experience Milton Erickson’s greatest contribution to hypnosis Exercise 3 : Building in “The Boilerplate.” In Module 4, Jeff answers a number of audience questions related to somnambulism, fractionation, convincers, levels of hypnosis, self-hypnosis and what to do when “it doesn’t work.” In addition, he’ll demonstrate several quick inductions: The Jeffrey Stephens Hypnosis Workshop Module 4 ? In this brief clip from Module 4: Jeff reveals why it’s a good idea to tell people exactly what will happen during the process and how they will respond to it. Telling them what you’re going to do and how they’re going to respond A disorienting technique for distorting time When does hypnosis really end? How to tell when they’re really deep The Process of Narrowing Focus How to use covert tests in fractionation A few “convincers” that really work Demonstration: A lightening-fast induction with a somnambulist How do you really know if they are “deep enough?” Just how many levels are there? What to do when it doesn’t work Why can’t you hypnotize yourself? Induction demonstrations: : Jeff’s “hand-to-face” induction A fast re-induction An eye fixation induction & hand stick How to KNOW when you have real hypnosis After everything you’ve learned in Module 4, you’ll be ready for Module 5, which is packed with exercises and demonstrations designed to polish your skills as a hypnotist. It begins with a review of Jeff’s complete Ten Step Outline of Process, an overview of how the brain stores and retrieves information, how hallucinations are created, and much more… The Jeffrey Stephens Hypnosis Workshop Module 5 ? In this brief clip from Module 5: Jeff compares other methods of hypnosis to his approach of “stepping inside and getting the job done.” The complete, ten step outline of process How the brain works Hallucinations (naturally occurring & created) Ten second memory loss Exercise 4: Any induction Protective Qualities of “the Boilerplate” Exercise 5: A different induction Watch for the sign of intense focus Phenomena as proof Exercise 6: Got phenomena? Demonstration: The arm lock/eye lock induction Demonstration: A straight eye lock induction Troubleshooting: What if the eyes pop open in the middle of your eye-lock induction? Three reasons you won’t get phenomena How to hypnotize those who say you can’t It’s not about depth… Progressive relaxation, trance and the hypnosis point Can you make changes in trance, rather than hypnosis? Stepping inside and getting the job done Module 6 contains many of the core components of Jeff’s system. It begins with complex deepeners, gets inside all the specifics of The Golden Box, tells you how to handle any disagreement from the subconscious and puts you in command of The Magic Mirror… The Jeffrey Stephens Hypnosis Workshop Module 6 ? In this brief clip from Module 6: Jeff talks about fractionation and the reaction you are likely to get from people who may be watching. Three specific complex deepeners A Demonstration of Passing through the Zero… The deepening effect of fractionation Demonstration of a Tap Deepener What should I do if someone falls asleep? In Exercise 7, you’ll incorporate complex deepeners into your process Changework: The Golden Box Invoking “trance” to occupy the conscious mind How to speak directly to the subconscious mind: A Three Step Process What to do if the subconscious disagrees with your instruction Two words that reassociate the conscious mind How to deliver The Magic Mirror Getting agreement from the conscious and subconscious Jeff’s system for making people feel good about themselves Trusting the sub-conscious to do its job The best time to set a reinduction trigger Module 7 helps put it all together for you with a look at the mindset, an explanation and demonstration of waking hypnosis and a real-life, start-to-finish session in which Jeff performs each step of his Ten Step Process… The Jeffrey Stephens Hypnosis Workshop Module 7 ? In this brief clip from Module 7: Jeff highlights the two things necessary to have hypnosis. Buying into the mindset… Would You Like to Take a Five Minute Vacation? The mindset for a non-smoker Speaking to the subconscious… Using a results-based method Symbology: Waking hypnosis… Demonstration: Using waking hypnosis to create “rock-solid” confidence Adapting the process for yourself Congruity is the key What to say if NOTHING you do seems to be working A vivid example: Creating change with “two futures” Building your hypnosis toolbox Positioning symbology as an “alternative” to hypnosis Start-to-finish Session 1: See every step of Jeff’s Ten Step Process in action in this sesson designed to eliminate nail-biting Module 8 gives you even more opportunities to see Jeff’s process in action, with start-to-finish sessions of 20 minutes or less, designed to create positive, lasting change… The Jeffrey Stephens Hypnosis Workshop Module 8 ? In this brief clip from Module 8: Jeff explains that responsiveness to instructions (or suggestion) often continues for some time, even after the “process” is over. Can the subconscious really process negatives? How Jeff eliminated a dog phobia in less than two minutes with a negative command to the subconscious Start-to-finish Session 2: A sesson designed to turn a smoker into a non-smoker Start-to-finish Session 3: A sesson designed to eliminate chronic stomach pain Start-to-finish Session 4: Another sesson designed to turn a smoker into a non-smoker The Wrap-up: Even after it’s over, “it ain’t all over…” Now that I’ve outlined what’s in the video portion of the course, let me clue you in on one of the most valuable assets of the system… The Jeffrey Stephens Hypnosis Workshop Manual This comprehensive training guide gives you all the scripts, bullet-points and techniques you need to be able to create positive, lasting change using Jeff’s system. From his general outline of process and first act of compliance all the way through the eye engagement, inductions, simple and complex deepeners, phenomena, reinduction trigger, changework, symbology, blitz, magic mirror and five count exduction, everything is covered in amazing detail. This manual will make it easy for you to have fun, help people or even make money with hypnosis using Jeff’s system. PLUS: Be among the first 100 people to order The Jeffrey Stephens Hypnosis Workshop and you’ll also get the following Three Bonus Gifts absolutely FREE! How Would You Like to Ask Jeffrey Stephens ANY QUESTION at All Regarding His Approach to Hypnosis? BONUS 1: A $198 Value Two Live Q & A Teleconferences With Jeff Stephens When you invest in this course today, we’ll make sure you have an opportunity to get every one of your questions answered. In order to accomplish that, Jeff has agreed to participate in a total of three exclusive Q & A teleconferences. The first happened February 10, 2010 (see bonus 2 below) and you can participate in the next two calls when you get on board now. Please Note: Since these calls are live, this truly is a limited-time offer. So be sure to click below and order now. Hear Jeffrey Stephens Answer Specific Questions About How You Can Better Implement His Hypnotic Process BONUS 2: A $99 Value A Digital MP3 Audio of Our First Q & A Teleconference With Jeff Stephens On February 10, 2010 Jeff answered a ton of questions about how to better implement his system for creating positive, lasting change, and we captured every word of it in crystal-clear digital audio that you can download now as part of this special offer. How Would You Like to Have Even MORE Insights into Jeff’s Methods that You Can Take Along With You? BONUS 3: A $97 Value A Complete, Four Module Audio “Masterclass” with Jeffrey Stephens and Conversational Hypnotist Igor Ledochowski Full Download these special bonus MP3s and listen to them on your computer, iPod or portable MP3 player. In this four part Masterclass series Igor asks Jeff to guide us through his personal approach — his method of hypnosis — and grills Jeff on his complete proven system for creating rapid, positive change. How Would You Like 24/7 Access to Some of the Brightest Hypnotic Minds on the Planet? BONUS 4: Access to Jeff via a Private, “Members Only” Hypnosis Discussion Group As a student of the Jeffrey Stephens Hypnosis Workshop, you’ll also get access to a “members only” hypnosis discussion group — co-moderated by Jeffrey Stephens and populated with some of the leading minds in hypnosis today. Share your questions and ideas with hundreds of other hypnosis practitioners, students and enthusiasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Note: Membership in this group may not be purchased at any price. Order Now to Take Advantage of These Bonuses! As you’ll soon see, the price point and the package of extras and bonuses we’re offering makes this offer a total no-brainer for anyone who’s serious about getting this course. So if you want the BEST VALUE AVAILABLE ON THIS SYSTEM, now is the time, and this is the place. Why Do it Now? In the classic success book, Think and Grow Rich, author Napoleon Hill revealed that the most successful people in the world had one particular trait in common. Do you know what it was? They had the habit of making important decisions quickly and changing their minds slowly, if at all. Those who were less likely to be successful had the habit of making important decisions slowly, and changing their minds quickly and often. This offer is designed to benefit the success minded, who know what they want and are ready and willing to take action now to get it. So at this point, you’re probably wondering what a complete, step-by-step training system of this magnitude will cost. The Bottom Line Right now, we are offering you the very best deal EVER on this system. We know it should cost more, and it very likely will in the near future. But we want to reward those willing to take action now… Due to the proprietary nature of this material, and the fact that it has never before been revealed outside of one of Jeff’s live $1,495 training workshops, we originally planned to charge quite a bit more for this system right from the start… Keep in mind, the eight modules you get with this system contain all the specifics of Jeff’s complete Ten Step System for creating positive, lasting change. Nothing is held back. But before you think this program will cost you a fortune… listen to this: Your entire investment in the complete system is only $397 ($197 for friends and affiliates!) What’s more, this course offers you… Instant Gratification I don’t know about you, but I hate to wait when I buy things online and I figure you do too. That’s why we’ve built-in Instant Gratification. You can literally begin accessing this material within minutes of placing your order. Each module is available as streaming video, in addition to digital download. So you can start watching it online while your downloads are happening in the background! We also want to be absolutely certain you’re satisfied. That’s why your purchase will be processed through ClickBank and protected by their… No Hassle 60 Day Return Policy “Here is My Guarantee, My Promise to You…”“You are totally protected by ClickBank’s No Hassle 60 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you don’t absolutely love this product, it won’t cost you one red cent. You have 60 days to get a FULL refund, AND I insist you keep all the bonuses for your trouble. That’s even better than risk-free! Jeffrey Stephens http://www.hypnosis-mentor.com The best practitioners of hypnosis, even the most experienced, are constantly learning… constantly hungry for more tactics and approaches that get results. The fact that you have read this far tells me that you are very likely such a person. 100% Better-Than-Risk-Free Trial Yes! I’m ready to put Jeffrey Stephens’ tested and proven methods for creating positive, lasting change to work for me. By ordering now, I understand that I will receive the complete Jeffrey Stephens Hypnosis Workshop Video Series via streaming video and digital download. Including: The System Module 1: Beginning with Context and Intent Module 2: Including Techniques Related to the Eight Word Induction and Five Step Exduction Module 3: Including the Boilerplate and Super Suggestion Module 4: Which includes Induction Demonstrations and Covert Tests in Fractionation Module 5: Beginning with the Ten Step Outline of Process and How to Get Phenomena Module 6: Inside Complex Deepeners, The Golden Box and The Magic Mirror Module 7: Symbology, waking hypnosis and speaking to the subconscious Module 8: See Actual, Complete, Start-to-Finish Changework Sessions of 20 Minutes or less The Manual The massive 61 page manual that contains everything you’ll need to engage in Jeff Stephens’ proprietary Ten Step Process for creating positive, lasting change fast. The Fast Action Bonuses – Time Sensitive Two Live Teleconferences with Jeff Stephens A Digital MP3 of Jeff’s First Live Teleconference The Complete 4 Module Masterclass with Jeff Stephens and Igor Ledochowski Access to Some of the Brightest Hypnotic Minds on the Planet via a Private, Members Only Online Discussion Group The Guarantee I understand that I am totally protected by ClickBank’s No Hassle 60 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. So if I don’t absolutely love this product, it won’t cost me one red cent. I have 60 days to get a full refund, and I even get to keep all the bonuses for my trouble. On that better-than-risk-free basis, let’s get started! The Jeffrey Stephens Hypnosis Workshop Video Course Only $1,495 $397.00 USD Special Introductory Offer for Friends and Affiliates: Just $197 NOTE: Time-Sensitive Bonuses Available Now for A Limited Time Add to Cart Order Problems? Call 1-800-494-2721 or 610-685-9700 If you’ve read and understood the bullet-points above and checked out some of the free video clips, you may have some idea of what The Jeffrey Stephens Hypnosis Workshop can do for you. Why not put the power of this proven system to work for you right now, while it’s still available with these bonuses and at this special pricing? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Sincerely, Blake Thomas 845 N. Park Road Ste 303 Wyomissing, PA 19610 (800) 494-2721 or (610) 685-9700 Technical questions? Click here to contact us. PS This offer and bonus structure is guaranteed for a limited time only and is subject to change. If you are considering whether or not this system is for you, I encourage you to remember our better-than-risk-free 60 day guarantee. You cannot be unsatisfied with your purchase. Click here to get started. ? ? ?
Previous: ?That’s right. If you can spare just 10 minutes a day – I’ll show you the secret to living the life of your dreams! Dear Success-Seeking Friend,rofessional magicians never fail to amaze. They mystify you with magic tricks that defy explanation — and make seemingly impossible things happen before your very eyes. They’re masters of illusion and sleight of hand. Now, I’m about to tell you about a different kind of magic that’s even more amazing because it’s not about illusion — but rather, something deeply rooted in science.But first, I want you to name the top 3 things you desire to have, or wish to improve, in your life right now — examples: money (name the specific amount you want), a loving relationship, an ideal job, perfect health, your dream house, a brand new car, etc.?(Type the 3 things you desire in the box below.)Okay, are you done typing the 3 things you want? File your answers in the back of your mind. We’ll come back to them later.What if I told you that there’s a way that you can achieve those 3 things — and anything else you desire — by using the power of your computer for just 10 minutes a day.Would you want to know more? Of course you would, who wouldn’t……Well read on because in the next few minutes, I will show you an advanced technology that enables you to manifest everything you want through the results-amplifying use of computerization. This information is not available anywhere else on the Web — or the world, for that matter. So I urge you to read every word of this article because the secret that can single-handedly turn your desires into reality is hidden in this web page — and I don’t want you to miss it.“”Well, well, well… I purchased the Sculptor Method in January of this year”“I love the Sculptor Method and has it worked for me? HA! I began using it immediately. I modified some of the affirmations that came with it and used it faithfully. I live on the Gulf of Mexico Coast in Florida USA and wanted to move to the high desert of New Mexico. My husband and I drew up a list of what our “perfect home” in New Mexico would look like (size, price, views, affordability etc.). I incorporated this into the daily affirmations….We had free plane tickets given to us in February and used them to go to New Mexico. We visited 3 different towns that appealed to us. We found the house we had written about and affirmed for—including the attached art studio. We were astoundedly happy and asked the people if they would allow us to buy their home contingent on us selling our home here. They said yes. March 1, I began affirmations about selling our current home “to the right buyers for the right price bringing perfect satisfaction to all”. The real estate market is verrrrry slow here right. Our home sold in 7 weeks–no other houses in this town are selling. We are moving to our new “perfect” home in less than 2 weeks. Thank you Jeff. Your program made me consistently do a specified amount of affirmations every single day. The added features enhanced the whole experience. I study many of the same things you do but you put it all together so nicely. I can hardly wait for the next round of affirmations. :)Many blessings and many thanks,– Dhulkti Bartoloni“”Science is finally entering the Spiritual Age. With the Sculptor Method, you can design and create the life you have always wanted. And it’s easy to use.”– Dr. Donald Schnell, Leading Authority of Spiritual disciplines, and Author of “The Initiation”… best decision I ever made“”I purchased the Sculptor Method several months ago. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Over the years, I’ve spent thousands of dollars purchasing all sorts of “self help” books and tapes. Your program is by far the most satisfying to date. It is truly amazing–a well thought out and well developed concept. Additionally, your ongoing support via the newsletters and the extraordinary amount of peripheral materials, sources, and resources make this program one of the best that I have seen.”– Debra CraigThere is a science that deals with manifesting desires. Many people regard it as mystical or esoteric, but it’s actually a science like physics or algebra.There are certain immutable laws that govern the process of materializing wishes seemingly out of thin air, and once these laws are complied with, anyone can make their dreams a reality — with absolute certainty.Does this sound far-fetched?If so, I need you to suspend your disbelief until you hear the whole story because I assure you — this will be positively electrifying.Emile Cou?, the 19th century French professor and Master Hypnotist, became a pioneer of affirmation techniques — curing hundreds of patients in Europe and North America by teaching his patients to repeat the following affirmation each morning and evening:“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.”Using this affirmation alone, the healing results were nothing less than spectacular.Affirmations have long been recognized as a powerful tool in manifesting desires. That’s because the subconscious mind cannot differentiate between actual reality and suggestions. Therefore, it processes suggestions (or affirmations) as being real — and goes about using its powerful creative ability — and that of the nervous system — to actualize those affirmations.For this reason, people from all walks of life — from athletic coaches, to sales professionals, to religious leaders, and peak performance experts (like Anthony Robbins) promote the practice of affirmations.Affirmations are powerful in and of themselves. But now… imagine multiplying the power of affirmations exponentially so that the results would not only be more dramatic — but would also manifest your desires in record speed.How is that possible, you ask?Through the computer-assisted affirmation technology available only in the Sculptor Method program. The Sculptor Method is a set of revolutionary self-help tools that uses computerization to amplify the power of affirmations to facilitate the manifestation of your desires. My name is Jeff Staniforth, the creator of the Sculptor Method. I’ve been involved in metaphysics for over 15 years. I have spent years developing a proprietary technology that I’ve named the Sculptor Method, which shows you a technologically advanced way of manifesting your desires.I’ve had the chance to prove over and over again that the Sculptor Method works. For example, several years ago, I used the Sculptor Method for just 10 days — and manifested half ownership in an apartment. That was at a time when I had absolutely no money — but within 10 days, I entered into a partnership and jointly purchased an apartment in Sydney’s desirable upper north shore. All it took was 10 minutes a day using the Sculptor Method.Long before I started the AffirmWare company, I had the opportunity to use the Sculptor Method to get a new job — and I doubled my salary in 12 months. The beauty of the Sculptor Method is that it’s not just me. I guarantee that you — and anyone who applies the powerful principles presented in my Sculptor Method — can manifest the same results, too!Among other things, I’ve used the Sculptor Method to meet a beautiful partner, start my own business, attract happiness, and eliminate all manner of ailments from my body.Once you see your desires manifesting before your very eyes, you’ll never want to go back to letting life JUST happen. Allowing life to control you is a powerless scenario that you wouldn’t want for yourself, would you? of course not… So instead of just letting yourself get tossed by the uncertainty of circumstances, take control of your life and your destiny with the Sculptor Method.“”I was blown away…”“I have used your Sculptor Method and was awestruck at its beauty, simplicity and utility. It’s a very practical, wonderful tool. I was blown away by its practicality, I just love it.”– John Harricharan, Best-selling Author “When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat”– http://www.powerpause.comThe Sculptor Method is the only PC program (sorry, not available for MAC) available anywhere that combines 7 of the best results-amplifying technologies that are tested and proven to increase the power and speed of manifestation. Here they are:AffirmationsVisualizationAlpha sound technology (to induce highly receptive meditative states)Subliminal technologySentence completionAssignment writing/goal settingWhole brain synchronization (utilizing thought, intuition, sensation and emotion)Only Sculptor Method seamlessly integrates all 7 technologies to create the most powerful manifesting mechanism ever conceived. So while you sit in front of your computer for 10 minutes, you are literally soaking yourself in 7 powerful technologies that have been synergistically combined to produce incredible results.The Sculptor Method is loaded with new features, all designed to help you live a more fulfilling life.Subliminal Technology Puts Manifestation on “Steroids”In the 1950s, an advertising expert named James Vicary, started testing subliminal advertising in movie theaters. He inserted subliminal frames containing the words, “EAT POPCORN” and “DRINK COKE” within the reels of film. During the movie, the subliminal messages went by so fast that the unsuspecting audience didn’t consciously see the words, but their subconscious minds perceived the suggestions. As a result, Coke sales jumped 18.1% and popcorn sales skyrocketed by 57.7%.Subliminal advertising proved to be too powerful that it was eventually outlawed. But what if you could use the same technology to install empowering affirmations into your subconscious — beneath the threshold of your conscious mind? Now, you can flash subliminal messages on your computer screen while you work! It’s like advertising to your own subconscious mind and having your desires manifest at an unprecedented speed. I’ll give you this program as a FREE gift with the Sculptor Method. Read on for details.“By repeating an affirmation over and over again, it becomes embedded in the subconscious mind, and eventually becomes your reality. That is why you need to be careful what you think and believe, because that is exactly what you will get!”When you repeat an affirmation — and amplify its power through the computer technology built into the Sculptor Method, it becomes projected onto your mental screen and brought into reality by the innate creative ability of your subconscious mind.How to Bypass the Conscious Mind to Get the Results You Want with Minimum Conscious EffortIn and of themselves, affirmations are a powerful tool for manifesting. But when you practice affirmations from a deep, meditative state of consciousness (such as that induced by the brain wave player in the Sculptor Method), you increase their manifesting power up to a hundred fold.That’s because meditation enables you to effortlessly bypass the conscious mind, and imprint affirmations into the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind, in turn, impinges upon the nervous system to bring about your desired results.? “It’s 7 O’clock Monday morning. You’re not really looking forward to another grueling week of work, and you need something to get you going. You turn on your PC and the Sculptor Method automatically launches itself. The brain wave player starts to play a soothing tone that puts you in a very relaxed state. Carefully scripted subliminal messages are being displayed. You sit back and enjoy your affirmation experience as the Sculptor Method springs into action (see screen shot below):? In the time it takes to brew your morning coffee, you’re done. the Sculptor Method has done its job in 10 minutes flat.? It’s now 7:15 AM, and you’re feeling unstoppable and positively empowered because of the high-octane affirmation session that got you charged up with everything you need to face the day.? The next moment, you’re out the door. You go about your day with the greatest of ease, feeling confident that the universe is conspiring to make your desires happen with no struggle on your part. Your day is filled with success after success because you’re in peak condition. This goes on all day long, and you surprisingly find yourself smiling all the time. Gone are the stress and fear that you used to have – but in their place, a deep-seated peace and confidence that you can achieve all your goals and overcome all obstacles in your path. It’s never been this easy!? For the next 12 days, you continue using the Sculptor Method for 10 minutes every morning or evening. Towards the end of the week, you’re amazed to see that positive things are beginning to happen — things that are getting you closer to your desires and dreams. Every door opens for you and everyone you meet is happy to be with you or do business with you. Money begins to come easily, and you’re feeling vibrant and healthy. You’re on top of the world.? As the days go by, you find that everything you’ve ever wanted in life have all begun to manifest in your life. You’re living the life of your dreams.Absolutely! Using the Sculptor Method for PC can get you started manifesting your desires and dreams immediately. There’s no learning curve involved because the software program is intuitive — so easy to use.If you can type on a computer, I guarantee that you can make the Sculptor Method work for you!“”All desire to drink or smoke magically disappeared…” I used your Sculptor Method in January this year to help me with an addiction to alcohol and tobacco. I had one session where I affirmed that I was healthy. Prior to that day, I struggled with being unable to stop using the substances for many years. Since that day, all desire to drink or smoke has magically disappeared. I now exercise regularly and I am taking back my life. — Thank you so very much for your wonderful work.– CarmenEarlier on, I asked you to name 3 things that you want in your life. Now that you’ve done that — and maybe even identified many other things you desire — the only question left to answer is when do you want to have them?I’ve shown you how the Sculptor Method can immerse you in 7 of the top manifesting technologies simultaneously — and materialize your desires faster than you ever thought possible. Now, it’s time for you to act on this.What is the value of getting your hands on this state-of-the-art manifesting PC software program that’s not available anywhere else? What is it worth to have the best possible tool for manifesting your desires? Can you even put a price tag on living your dreams?I ask you, how much are you willing to invest to create your ideal life? $10,000? $5,000? $1,000? How about $500?Well, the good news is that you can own Sculptor 3 for less than $100! Yes, that’s right. Valuable as it is, Sculptor 3 can be yours for a one-time investment of just $97.00 (USD) (USD). If you’re in a hurry and can’t wait to get started, click here to experience Sculptor 3 now.The Powerful Affirmation Program — Takes you step-by-step through a personalized 12-Day Plan for Success. You will learn how to easily create powerful affirmations customized to your own needs and desires. (Note: You can repeat the 12-day plan as often as you like.)Subliminal Messaging Program — The Sculptor Method uses a powerful Subliminal Messaging feature which displays subliminally on your computer monitor while you practice your affirmations. You have complete control over these messages, you can add, modify, and delete them. You also have control over frequency and duration. These work magically to effortlessly program your unconscious mind.The Stunning Brain Wave Player Feature — offers a selection of Alpha, Beta, and Theta brain files that can be played while using the Sculptor Method. By using the Brain Wave files, your mind will become more receptive to your affirmations and visual imagery, increasing their effectiveness instantly!Autopilot Mode — An automatic mode, useful for situations where you are involved with other tasks (ideal for effortless subconscious programming).Visual Programming Feature — The Sculptor Method comes with an extremely valuable “visualization aid” to assist you in improving your visualization skills. This is an absolute MUST if you want your manifestation to reach new heights!A Personal Response Database — When using the affirmation program you will be asked to type in a response to your affirmation. These responses are saved to the Sculptor Method Database so you can view these responses at any time. These responses will prove invaluable when it comes to understanding and overcoming any inner resistance you might have towards obtaining your desired outcome.The Amazing Sentence Completion Feature — Sentence Completion is the art of repeatedly (12 times recommended) answering a single question called a stem, and answering it as many times as you feel comfortable with. This is a powerful technique — with step-by-step instructions provided by Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D.The Mission Statement — This option is for users who would like to create a mission statement and have it replace the default backdrop image used in the Sculptor Method. By having your mission statement as a backdrop, you are constantly being reminded of what is important to you, in your life. And by doing this, you’re working some powerful magic on your mind that actually gets you in the mindset to get what you want.Your Own Power Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select a power symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. This power symbol empowers your affirmation practice because it holds a special significance to you. Most of the symbols represent various religious denominations, though some are neutral. This is so powerful — you won’t know how well this works until you try it!Gender-Specific Library Choices — The Sculptor Method includes separate HIS and HER libraries. Both of these libraries come with illustrations and stories — one for each day of the 12-Day program, plus sample affirmations. This helps you customize the program to your gender … very important!Daily Quotes To Help You Reach Success — The Sculptor Method displays a selection of powerful Quotes each time you start the program. You can add, delete and modify these quotes to suit your desires.Your Own Associative Trigger Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select to have a trigger symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. What you want to do with this trigger symbol is to create an association between the trigger symbol and your affirmation so it automatically increases the power (and effectiveness) of your affirmations!Customizable Set Up Program — The Sculptor Method includes a Setup Program for defining your affirmation, affirmation speed, colors, symbols, illustrations, fonts, libraries, and much, much more. This makes it easy to start using it right away for maximum benefit.Easy-To-Use Complete Instructions — Quick Guide, User’s Guide & Tutorial which shows you all you need to know to use the Sculptor Method. The Tutorial is graphical based, and outlines all the Sculptor Method features so you can get the most from it!Exclusive Access to the Sculptor Method Private Web site — This site is available for all registered Sculptor Method users. You will find sample affirmations, articles, additional background images, and much more to enhance your manifesting experience.I’m so confident that you will be thrilled with the Sculptor Method that I’m willing to make this unprecedented guarantee. Get the Sculptor Method today and take it for a trial spin. Take as long as 60 Days to see if it really does for you what I say it will. Once you experience how enjoyable it is to use, and how easily you are able to manifest your desires, I’m betting I couldn’t pry it out of your hands if I tried. But if, for any reason, it doesn’t give you major breakthroughs, or you simply aren’t satisfied with the results you’re getting, let me know within 60 Days and I’ll be happy to give you 100% of your money back.So you have nothing to lose when you give it a try today. Within minutes, you will get download instructions, and you can start enjoying the benefits of the Sculptor Method immediately.Regular Price $297.00 Today $97.00Did You Know … ?Affirmation experts agree that in order to maximize the power of affirmations, they should not just be repeated mindlessly. They need to be fueled by emotion.The Sculptor Method uses trigger symbols, storytelling visuals, power symbols and other stimuli that effectively set your affirmation on fire — and therefore makes it infinitely more powerful. These elements not only add emotion but a spiritual dimension to your affirmation practice, and they’ve been proven to enhance manifestation by up to 500%! When you order today you’ll also receive the following 8 bonuses valued at $295.95 absolutely FREE!Breaking Free of Negative EmotionsPainful situations are a part of life, but your perception makes all the difference. If you’re holding onto painful memories and feelings, these are very likely keeping you from leading a happy life. This Guide, Workbook and Cheatsheet will help teach you how to let go of the past and live the life you deserve.Contents:PDF GuideWritable PDF WorkbookPDF CheatsheetHow To Attract True LoveLOVE – that elusive emotion that captures our hearts, minds, and imagination! We all want it, but the big question that plagues many of us is, “How do I get it?”This guide answers that all-important question and will set you on the road to welcoming love into your life, whether you want it for the first time, had it and lost it, or just want to feel more of it in your current relationship.Contents:PDF GuidePDF Self Reflection GuideHow To Overcome ChallengeThroughout our lives we face challenges in many types of situations. Do you sometimes freeze up when faced with obstacles? If so, opportunities may pass you by. The strategies you will learn here can help. If you take advantage of these techniques, you’ll discover within yourself a much stronger person capable of anything.Contents:PDF GuideWritable PDF WorksheetPDF CheklistSelf MotivationThis little book will show you how to use the power of your mind to motivate yourself to pursue your goals to fulfillment, regardless of the challenges life throws your way. It will also give you expert advice on staying motivated throughout your life.Contents:PDF GuidebookWritable PDF WorkbookSetting Personal GoalsIf you’ve ever dreamed of the perfect life, this Guide, Workbook and Flowchart is for you. You’ll discover how setting personal goals can help you achieve the life you’ve always wanted – and deserve.Contents:PDF GuideWritable PDF WorkbookSMART Goal Setting Flow ChartImportance of Conquering FearsIn this eBook, the topic of fear will be discussed in depth. We’ll delve into fear from all angles, including:* How fear can negatively affect your life* The nature of fear* The difference between a fear and a phobiaYou’ll also find some tips and techniques to help you overcome your fears, as well as discover the positive results that come from facing your fears head on.Contents:Science of Getting Rich – AudioW. D. Wattles. Born shortly after the Civil War, Wattles experienced a life of failure after failure, until in his latter years, after tireless study he formulated the principles laid out in The Science of Getting Rich. Time less wisdom and a step-by-step prosperity program.Contents:20 Affirmation Posters20 (dimensions 2560×1600) Affirmation Posters. Print them and hang them where you will see them often. Affirmation Posters sell from $5.95 to $27 elsewhere on the Internet… yours FREE when you invest in Sculptor 3 today.Contents:These bonuses alone are worth many times the cost of the whole thing. But remember, even if you later decide that the Sculptor Method is not for you (which I strongly doubt), you still get to keep these bonuses as my “Thank You” for giving the Sculptor Method a try. So give it a try risk-free today.Make no mistake — this is NOT just another book or CD program that talks about manifestation techniques. The Sculptor Method is a powerful software program that makes things happen…If you’ve tried books or CD’s on the subject before, then you’ve probably already discovered that oftentimes, they’re just a pleasant read. I’ve been there myself — curled up with a book, feeling hopeful of a bright future. But, did anything change? Getting results is the acid test. With the Sculptor Method, you don’t have to learn anything. Instead, it will do all the work for you — making it easy to apply manifesting principles to your life and helping you get what you want the easy and effective way. Get started now.“What an incredible product … I am absolutely amazed that there is something finally so wonderful on the market”.– Editor/Publisher, Power of One, Metaphysical Magazine“… success already beginning!You are providing an amazing service. I held off using because of the cost… foolish idea. I started this AM using the Sculptor Method and can feel the desires in my mind and heart for hope and success already beginning to increase.Thank you,– John GrayIf you were to ask me what the single most important skill is, that if you possessed it would dramatically change your life for the better, I would tell you, without a doubt — it’s the ability to manifest your desires. The Sculptor Method can give you that ability — guaranteed.You will NOT find this program in bookstores anywhere. It is totally unique and sold exclusively on the web.Imagine this… in as little as a few days, you could be on you way to manifesting the life you’ve always dreamed of. Imagine becoming debt-free, enjoying improved health… having happy and loving relationships… finding your dream home… all because you decided to say “YES” today.This is the ONE program that can give you the life you desire. In just 10 minutes a day, the Sculptor Method, can put you on course to creating your ideal life sooner than you ever thought possible. Regular Price $297.00 Today $97.00To your success.Sincerely,Jeff StaniforthCEO and FounderAffirmWare.com.auP.S. I’m so confident in the Sculptor Method, I’ll stake my reputation by saying that even if you’ve lived with a “less-than” attitude of limiting beliefs for years, you can turn your life around using the Sculptor Method for just 10 minutes a day. You, too, can start living with the passion and joy that go with being an in control person. I invite you to take the first step to this life-changing opportunity.Remember: If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the program, just let me know within 60 Days and I’ll refund every cent. No questions asked. (NOTE: Your purchase may be tax-deductible as a training expense. Consult your tax advisor)P.P.S. With love and light, thank you for allowing me to present you the Sculptor Method. Bless you… one spark of light to another.Address details:30/116 Shirley RdWollstonecraft NSW 2065Sydney, AustraliaPh: 612-9460-8098DISCLAIMER: Information on this site and in our products is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for advice of your own health care professional. Please do not use the information supplied by AffirmWare to diagnose, treat, any health problem or disease. If you suspect that you have a medical issue please consult your health care professional.Copyright ? 2011 AffirmWare – All Rights Reserved.[Disclaimer] [Privacy] [Terms of Service] [Newsletter] [Store] [Blog] [Affiliates]

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Let’s face it, Trying to lose Weight is tough. Chances are you’ve been trying to Lose Weight for a long time and failed.

Don’t worry. It’s not your fault. Here’s why…

Most overweight people will never lose weight because:

- Products That Are Nothing new or revealing.

- You either have to exercise until you drop.

- Incomplete methods (just Hype).

- You have to virtually starve yourself (leaves you feeling lethargic & worthless).

- Time consuming.

- Costly Gym memberships (not for the embarrassed)

- Unfounded techniques that never work.

- Repeated meaningless articles (written by some one with no personal experience).

- Herbal remedies (laxatives in fancy packaging at extortionate prices ?).

How do I know this?

?Because you are concerned that your actions might make things worse if you get it wrong – which means you often end up doing nothing.
Your friends tell you not to believe in hearsay but the books tell you that’s what you should do. You decide to wait until the “time is right”- but that never comes. The books on Amazon are written by someone who suggests “to excercise or diet exhaustively” when this can make things worse.

You see only a few years ago i was ridiculed and my confidence completely shattered on a daily basis by people name calling and most times laughing at my size, i was seriously embarrassed, i will not use those words that had been said to me as i found them extremely abusive and very cruel.
It breaks my heart to think that around the world there are overweight people experiencing the same kind of thing every single day. If you have landed on this web site and you are going through the daily torture that i did. I can only imagine how painful it must be to feel helpless as an overweight person and having such a rough time.

Don’t worry though. It’s not all doom and gloom. There is some good news….

Brand New Weight Loss Method

About : Brand New Weight Loss Method “totally Unique”

Brand New Weight Loss Method “totally Unique” Full Download

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