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CLICK HERE TO Get Started With Dream Invaders! Dear Friend,Have you ever blown a walkup, maybe at the very beginning – or perhaps you had a good rapport and conversation going with the woman, and then for whatever reason – maybe God was pissed off at you that day or you got “cock blocked” or for whatever reason the seduction fell flat on its face, but you knew you’d see her again later and wished you had a way to get inside her thoughts and change her mind about you…Or maybe you’ve secretly wanted that special girl who just wasn’t available or interested, and you just wished you had a way to get past her conscious mind’s filters and communicate directly with that part of her mind where she gets aroused and attracted to someone…I’ve been there too, what I’m about to tell you might be shocking, but IT CAN BE DONE!In fact, it’s even possible to attract (and sleep with!) women you might have blow it with the first time you tried to seduce them.If your girlfriend is just teetering back and forth between resisting and wanting to shove your love wand deep inside her, there’s something that can help get past her barriers and resistance so she just can’t help herself and has to be with you..My name is Jim Knippenberg, and I’ve used the skills I’m about to tell you about to meet women in public, to get women at places I hang out at to become interested in me (and ask ME out!), and even get women online to meet me. (And make out and go to bed with me on the first date!) And your Age difference does NOT matter! I’ve even used these secrets to meet AND SLEEP WITH a Hot 19 and 20 year olds, even though I’m in my 30′s!Oh, did I mention I’m short, fat, more than 11 years older than they were, and out of shape?Once you know the secrets of telepathic influence and once you invade her mind in such a way that she can’t tell her own thoughts from your thoughts, you’ve got an open door to arousing her in ways that seem totally natural for her to experience…Some of these secrets of remote psychic influence have been around for more than 13,000 years, but many so-called experts don’t give you all the steps you need. I’m not just gonna give you detailed information you need to make your telepathic seductions work, I’m even gonna show you a virtually “foolproof” method of dreamtime seduction. If you can go to sleep, you can get this course to work for you!These methods are REAL, and they WORK! Anyone who is willing to invest some time to do a few simple drills can get these skills to work for you! It does take some practice and effort, but that so-called “effort” is almost nothing compared to the power you’ll have with women once you know how to turn them on in this way! Telepathic Dream Invader’s is like the “Holy Grail” of psychic skills, and I can hardly wait to describe to you in all its glorious detail what you’re getting inside this course! But before I tell you just how much you’ll benefit from getting this course, let me tell you what OTHER people are saying about me and my products! “Another one most don’t know about is Jim Knippenberg. Regardless of what [other trainer's name bleeped out!] says about Jim’s work (evil work of the Devil), buy all of his stuff you can! “It is pure gold and can be easily used with Huna, with Manifestation, and with living a fun, enjoyable and productive life. “Sincerely, Dr. John M. La Tourrette” (Former “Speed Life” Trainer from Medford, Oregon. 10th Degree Black Belt, Huna Kumu, Co-Developer of UltraMind ESP Remote Viewing / Remote Influencing program, “The Speedman,” mentaltrainingsecrets.com ) “You should raise your prices!” David A., Falls Church, VA “Jim, I love your materials!” Greg Radke, Ogden, Utah And those are just a few of the comments I get! I haven’t even told you about all of the satisfied ebay buyers! And I guarantee you’ll enjoy the course! So you know when you buy it now, you’re getting real gold for your money! I won’t even tell you here about the 4 books I’ve written, the 10 training manuals, the email home study course on Psychic Close Encounters Dream Invaders, the online “Elite Inner Circle Members Only Training Area”, the CD set on How To Get Virtually Any Woman’s Undivided Attention In Just 30 Seconds Or Less! My DVD course on Using Remote Influence And Energy Influence For Having Better Sex! My DVD Course on “Overcome Your Fear of Meeting Women In Just One Evening… And Start To Become A Casanova Instead!” Or my DVD on “Forgotten Love Spells of Ancient Hawaii… Let me instead tell you about the real guy behind all those awesome materials. I mean I LOVES to eat. And even though I’m short and fat, I get women to light up like Christmas trees around me when guys half my weight and much better looking can hardly get women to give them the time of day! The first time this stuff worked for me, my eyes almost popped out of my head like on the cartoons! What I found out shocked me and I began to understand why I got turned down so many times in the past, and better yet how to fix it – and that all attraction takes place at the energy level – you can’t even get turned on unless the right energies for being turned on are there. Well what I didn’t know was women are the same way. It’s NOT their fault if they’re not turned on. They can’t help it one way or the other.But you can learn how to turn her on in ways she doesn’t even know exist!And more importantly, I’m going to show you how to turn on those wonderful energies that make women want to be with you! I figured if some short, fat “old” (I’m almost 40!) pizza junkie can do it, so can you!!!Even if you’re a “Jabba the fat,” the magic can work for you too! Let Me Show You How!Let me tell you some of what I teach you how to do in this “Psychic Close Encounters Dream Invaders” Crash Course – I pack more information in his Crash Course than you’ll find in many other people’s so-called “advanced” courses! Here’s a small taste of what you’re about to learn:Simple Dream Invader Technique – if you can go to sleep, you can do this one!The Most Important Psychic Skill You Need For Success – And How To Use It To Get What You Want!Know Ahead Of Time If She Will Be Easy To Influence Or Not So You Get The Best Results For Your Efforts!Protect Yourself From Unwanted & Accidental Psychic Attacks Against You While You Sleep!How To Build Up Nearly Irresistable Thoughts & Feelings Inside Her Mind!Common Psychic Attack People Accidentally Do All The Time, And What You Should Do Instead If You Want Her!How To Use Dreams To Get Even With The Guy Who Stole Your Woman And Those Who Done You Wrong!How To Bless And Help Those You Like And Appreciate!Accidental “Black Magick” That Happens All The Time, And Most People Don’t Know It’s Happening!And that’s just a tiny taste of what you get inside the downloadable audio mp3 file that come with the course!But Wait! There’s More… I’m also including lesson one of the email seminar I did on Dream Invader’s For Some Of My Elite “Inner Circle” Customers! Here’s just some of what’s included in that incredible session:Ever Got What You DIDN’T Want Instead Of What You Did Want? Her’s How To Fix It!Secret Strategy To Avoid Future Disappointments & Let-DownsSecret To ABUNDANCE In Whatever You Do!A Sure-Fire Way To Get Rejected By Women You Probably Don’t Know You’re DoingStupid Mistake Many Guys Are Making, Day After Day With The Women They Want To Sleep With!Just Fix This One Thing & Drastically Improve Your Results With Women!Amazing Truth About A Psychic Researcher Who Litterally FORCED His Subjects To Obey His Mental Commands!Tried Dream Telepathy Before And Failed? Discover Why Many Of These Experiments Fail – And What To Do Instead!Unleash The Power Of Hypnotic Conditioning – On Your Mind AND Her’s!Combine Your Telepathic Commands With Covert Hypnosis Tactics For A Powerful 1-2-3 “Punch!”How To Covertly Set Up Her Subconscious Mind Ahead Of Time So You Can Hijack Her Dreams At Night!Discover The Different Types Of Telepathy And How To Use Them To Get What You Want From Her!But wait! I’m not finished piling on the bonuses yet! No Sir-ee!I’ve got yet another exciting bonus for you!CLICK HERE TO Get Started With Dream Invaders! This is a manual I wrote awhile back that is chock-full of awesome information that Puts You In Charge of your life instead of “hoping and praying” that someday lady luck would smile on you… The Ancient Kahuna did not sit around, whining, whimpering, and begging their “God” for assistance. The Ancient Kahuna KNEW what they wanted and they DEMANDED that they get it! Who is at cause in your life? You? Or someone else? I don’t care what your religious beliefs are or are not. You can keep your beliefs. But maybe, just maybe, if you set them on the shelf long enough to try something else out, and have the experience of success… The only valid proof is what actually works . Here’s just a drop in the bucket of what’s included in this special report:Secret accupressure points to jump-start your psychic abilities with women!Secret Breathing Techniques of the Ancient Kahuna to Supercharge you with psychic force!How-To-Tap into Universal Laws which work for EVERYONE who knows how to use them!How most people are walking around with “half a mind,” and how to make sure you’re not making the same mistake!Black Magick “good” church people don’t know they’re doing, and how it gives them more of what they DON’T want!How to keep your family and friends from interfering with your success!And much, much more…But WAIT! There’s More! A chart with the secret energy flow that MUST be activated in order for her to like you! (If you’re attracing women WITHOUT this being activated at least accidentally, I’ll almost bet you 10 to 1 you’re not picking up nearly the quality of women you’re capable of attracting!)This knowledge alone is well-worth the entire price of the course! I’ve used this one energy flow with dreamtime influence and also while making out with women to get them to really enjoy being with you ! I’ve even used this with remote influence to get inside women who said they were not interested in having sex with me! I don’t know what results you’ll have with this knowledge , but I know this ONE piece of knowledge is worth the price of the entire course to me! It usually only gets activated “accidentally,” but with knowledge, you can use it on purpose! One thing’s for sure: Unless you’re paying a hooker for sex, it’s almost impossible to get laid UNLESS you have the correct energy attractor field activated! All this, and I still haven’t told you about the final bonus, for the first 55 people who Buy Now! This book was originally only available to my “Inner Circle” customers, but I’m making it available to you too, if you’re one of the first 55 to Buy Now. This book on Psychic Close Encounters Telepathy is a $50 value. But you can get it as a free bonus, when you’re one of the first 55 to respond to this ad right now. Here’s just some of what’s covered in this booklet:Secrets Of Telepathic CommunicationHow To Do Effective Remote InfluenceMental Telegrams To “Surgically” Implant Your Thoughts Inside Her MindHow To Set Up Covert Anchors Insider Her Subconscious MindHow To Set Up And Trigger Hypnotically Conditioned Responses Inside HerPressure Points That Assist In The Telepathic Projection Of Your IntentionTraining Drill For Mind Reading You Use In Traffic To Know What Others Will Do BEFORE They Cut You Off!Secret Way To Get Her So Turned On She Can’t Control Her Horny Urges!Two Ways To Do Remote Influence INCLUDING how to use “stealth mode” thought invadersCloud Her Mind So She Can’t Tell The Difference Between Your Thoughts And Her Own Lustful Thoughts! (I SWEAR It Doesn’t Involve Alcohol Or Date Rape Drugs!!!)But Wait! I Pack MORE Stuff Insider This Incredible Bonus Training Manual…The Best time to do psychic influenceWhat to do if they are “pre-occupied” with other thoughts or emotions that are blocking your influenceHow to use dream time to influence meetings in your favor ahead of timeHow to become more sensitive (receptive) to psychic impressionsWhy planned dream experiments between a “sender” and a “receiver” don’t work as well as normal dream telepathyHow to tell if she’s lying to you!Why coin tosses, dice rolls, and knowing which playing card someone is thinking of are all poor psychic “tests”Covert Way To Sneak In To Her Energy Field And Read Her Mind Without Ever Saying A WordKnow Ahead Of Time If She’s Ready To Kiss You!How to expand the awarenss of your physical senses and start to see / sense “invisible” energiesHow to command the use your psychic skills with online dating when you’re surfing for datesHow to avoid nut cases and wackosHow to use the way SHE thinks naturally to communicate with her subconscious mind”Muscle reading” or “Mentalism” isn’t a psychic skill, but here’s how to use it to your advantage while you make out!How to use muscle reading techniques while you “suck face” to get her to grope you first!How to combine subtle body cues with telepathic suggestions to prime her pump to get her hot & heavy for you!How to use covert language patterns to pre-condition her to open up to your dreamtime influences!How to know the best time to influence her, even if she’s on the other side of the planet!A nearly “fool-proof” method to get to the correct level of mind for telepathically sedction while she sleepsSo what’s the catch?I do ask that you agree to only purchase this course for yourself. It is NOT for resale or redistribution. When you purchase you agree that you will not resell or redistribute this course. That’s fair enough. Especially considering all the knowledge and experience you’re getting when you purchase and study and actually DO the techniques inside these materials! So how much is all this gonna “cost” you? Let’s review what you’re getting: The mp3 file from my audio CD on “The Lazy Person’s Guide To Effective Dream Invaders”. It’s not Walt Disney productions. It’s recorded and duplicated on a home computer. But you’re getting awesome information on this instant dowload mp3 for immediate access. A $29 Value Lesson 1 of an “Advanced” Dream Invader’s email I taught — at least a $30 value. Bonus #1 Report on Ancient Secrets of the Non-Local Universe You Can Use to Attract Virtually Anything You Want In Life, Including The Woman Of Your Dreams!!! A $30 Value Bonus #2 Chart of the energy field that you must have activated on yourself and in her for her to fall in love with you. I went to a seminar that cost me over $1500 bucks to attend just to learn this one! And you can even activate it and energize it with your hands while you’re making out with her! I know I have! AND, Bonus #3 for the first 55 who Buy Now, the Telepathic Home Study Manual, a $50 value. That’s at least $139 of materials JAM-PACKED with information YOU can use to attract more women into your life! But for a limited time only during our marketing test — and we reserve the right to withdrawl this offer at any time — you can buy this home study crash course on how to Secretly Seduce Her While She Sleeps… for LESS than HALF PRICE! But WAIT!There’s even more!For a limited time only during our marketing test – and I reserve the right to withdrawl this offer at any time – you can buy this home study crash course on how to Secretly Seduce Her While She Sleeps… AND GET A BONUS 59 minute video – a $97 VALUE! (by it-self worth MORE than the price of this entire course!) as my free bonus just to thank you for trying this course! The video is available in two versions – a video format for Mac users and a video format for Windows Media Player users.Buy now and get this home study course for just $49 bucks, and I’ll show you the download link to gain instant access to this incredible information!IMAGINE the power you’re going to have when you practice these skills and start to easily use them every day! So order it now while you still can! Sincerely, Jim KnippenbergCLICK HERE TO Get Started With Dream Invaders! P.S. Remember, you get the audio mp3, the lesson from Jim’s Dream Invader email seminar, the chart on one of the most important radiant energies to use for remote influence and in person to get her to fall in love with you , the bonus on Secrets of the Non-Local Universe, AND, you also get the $50 manual on telepathic communication that gives you tips and tricks to read her mind, influence her in her dreams, and even subtle tips she won’t know you’re using to unlock the animal inside her as you make out with her! Hurry and order your’s while you still can! All this PLUS the 59 minute video file (an additional $97 value!) as a free bonus so order yours today!

Next: From: Steven Peliari, Master HypnotistDate:var mydate=new Date()var year=mydate.getYear()if (year Memo: Temporary Price CutDear Aspiring and Future Hypnotist, You don’t have to be like me or even look like me to put people into a trance… But you do have to believe in what I’m about to say… Hypnotizing your spouse, neighbors, customers, boss or even a complete stranger is easy with just a little bit of professional instruction. We’ve all seen those public demonstrations where volunteers are brought on stage to cluck like a chicken after being hypnotized. That’s what I like to call “mainstream hypnosis”. It’s fun, and it’s the only form of hypnosis that most people are familiar with. However, much more powerful than that is a form of hypnosis that’s banned by the law from being used by advertising agencies, in business and on most radio and TV stations. It’s called “Covert Hypnosis” and don’t be surprised if you haven’t heard about it before. Advanced, secretive and even more powerful than most governments care to admit, but it’s true, real and the secret society that has guarded how it works has finally cracked like an egg. Or let’s just say I found the crack… And so this is what I learned. “What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas.” Just Not This Time. Years ago I attended a Las Vegas show where the hypnotist on stage did just what everyone expected… he hypnotized his volunteers right before our eyes. You know… volunteers were invited on stage, put to sleep, convinced they had become chickens and then they all started clucking. This in itself was amazing to me at the time, but there was something about him that really caught my eye. What really separated this hypnotist from the rest was his ability to make the volunteers do things without them even being aware of it. At the end of the demonstration none of the volunteers had any idea that they had been hypnotized. This got me totally excited about the profession and so I began to devour everything I could to learn how to do the same. Quickly though, two things became apparent. First, that it was not that hard to hypnotize people without them knowing and second, there were a lot more situations where being able to hypnotize people could really work to my advantage… Making money doing this kind of stuff had already crossed my mind. Sure there are hundreds of books already written on this type of hocus-pocus art form, but what I wanted to know was how to do the super secret stuff that’s mainly referred to as “Covert Hypnosis”. You know the kind that … makes people instantly attracted to you,inspires people to join your cause,turns clients into eager buyers,allows you to detect when someone is telling a lie, and of course lets you hypnotize people without them ever knowing you did… This is the kind of hypnosis that Master Hypnotists don’t ever tell you about. The ‘Covert Hypnosis’ Secret Society Was Infiltrated By A Rogue Hypnotist Shortly after returning home from Las Vegas, I began my hypnosis research once again. My dream one day would be to become a master public hypnotist – or so I thought. One thing led to the next. Until soon, all the most mysterious and darkest pieces of information all pointed back to people in Las Vegas with very exotic sounding names. Already very familiar with sin city, I immediately picked up the phone and called the theater box office of the show I had seen ? A girl named Destiny answered. Not sure who she was, but I told her about my research and she confirmed my suspicions and admitted that there was a society and that members did live all over the world. I found out that this hypnotist I had seen was just one of many that were part of a larger “covert hypnosis secret society” of sorts. This prompted me to begin asking questions to everyone I could meet, even strangers on the street. Without going into how I made contact with this person (I do care for my safety) I located what seemed like one of the grand masters of this organization. I?m not sure why he and I hit it off so well. But we did. And more importantly, in a matter of speaking, he was keenly interested in answering every question I had in the area of covert hypnosis. He made me promise never to reveal his name and to always find additional facts to support his assertions. He was actually interested in monetizing on his knowledge, but in a way that his identity would never be revealed. Was it time to tell the rest of the world?Not until I could prove “Covert Hypnosis” was real and that it actually works. Covert Hypnosis That’s Far Too AdvancedFor Any Conventional Hypnosis SeminarSince making contact with this grand master years ago, I’ve been studying and applying new covert hypnosis techniques each and every day of my life. Some of these techniques are so advanced, that you will never, ever hear of them within any conventional hypnosis seminar. I?ve also come a long way professionally. I’m now the Chairman of the International Hypnosis Association, an association created to maintain the integrity of hypnosis courses and certification bodies. As a Master Hypnotist who has studied just about every form of hypnosis there is, I can tell you first hand that not all hypnosis courses are created equal. I?ve purchased many and studied with one of the grand masters of covert hypnosis himself. And As a professional, I can tell you that the government is aware of the real covert hypnosis techniques that exist, but of course they’d never make them known. My identity and work was a secret until I started working with advertising agencies.You see, although some techniques can be used, the majority have been completely outlawed for mass advertising purposes? But that doesn?t mean I can?t teach you how they work and can work fantastically to your benefit, in your day to day life. It’s not illegal to learn all these tactics and methods and use them on individuals, but before you try them on groups larger than 1,000, you?d better consult with a lawyer? the repercussions can be immense. You’d be surprised how many people do use these techniques, and just how many members of this ‘secret society’ are out there. Illusionists, psychics, spiritualists, mediums, master hypnotists… even faith healers have been using many of these methods for more than a century, and many of the famous ones you see on TV are more well connected than you might think. Everything I’ve learned about the secret society and hypnotizing people discreetly is here. What Do Three Magic Mind Control Arts Have To Do With “Covert Hypnosis”? Everything. Quite simply Hypnosis, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Mentalism all form the basis of modern day covert hypnosis theory and its related science. And each of these three fields go hand in hand to create this discreet form of hypnosis, that works absolute wonders without others knowing what’s really going on. Learning about any one of these disciplines would be an amazing course all by itself, but because I want to properly teach you everything you need to effectively use covert hypnosis, all three disciplines and how they work are extensively covered in this program. Here’s how each of these three fields relate to Covert Hypnosis. Hypnosis is the art of hypnotizing people. With it you can plant suggestions in anyone, bring people into a trance state and make them do almost anything you say. You’ve seen those stage hypnosis shows where people go around clucking about like chickens? Believe me, that’s no act. Hypnosis can make people do almost anything, and outside of hypnosis shows it can be used in business, love and many other areas of life in order to achieve very powerful goals. NLP is the art of conversation. The art of establishing a deep form of rapport with people and getting them to want to do things for you. With it you can put people into a happy mood and make them feel really euphoric and relaxed whenever they’re around you. Think about that for a moment, do I really need to explain the possibilities you can achieve when people want to be around you all the time because you make them feel relaxed, euphoric and happy? I even teach you techniques to keep people away from you! And believe me, you’ll need them… that’s how attractive you will be to people once you Master the techniques taught in NLP. Mentalism is the art of creating false realities, causing people to believe anything you tell them. If you’ve seen some of the great psychological illusionists and entertainers on TV, then you’ll know just how powerful false realities can be. But what about the faith healers you see on TV? Would you believe me if I told you that they used mentalism techniques as well? It’s a scary thought, and within my course I explain exactly how anyone, including you, can create false realities through the techniques used in Mentalism.Introducing For The Very First Time The Art Of Covert Hypnosis Complete ‘Home Study’ PackageThe The Art Of Covert Hypnosis contains all the information you could ever need to hypnotize people successfully in everyday life and make them do things for you without others knowing you solicited their help. It’s a complete home study program that will save money you’d otherwise have spent attending a professional hypnosis training seminar. Dear Steve, I’m writing to congratulate you on your excellent course The Art of Covert Hypnosis. I’m very impressed with your ability to synthesize information from three complex fields into a step-by-step program that anyone can follow.I’ve studied the medical application of Ericksonian hypnosis for some time. Your course would’ve shortened my learning curve considerably if it had been available years ago.I also appreciate your emphasis on using these powerful techniques appropriately. Some people argue that because of the potential for misuse this knowledge should be kept secret. I agree with your decision to make it available. Most people are ethical and will greatly benefit from the knowledge and insights your course provides.Keep up the good work.Best Regards,J F McCaffrey, MDwww.JFMcCaffreyMD.com I spent years designing this home study course to bring everything together, from the world of psychological illusion right through to covert hypnosis. It’s been forged from my sweat, hard work and constant refinement of the techniques I’ve mastered over the years. With The Art Of Covert Hypnosis, you will learn the exact techniques to make everyday people do as you say and you’ll also learn the incredibly advanced and powerful hypnotic techniques that professionals use on massive crowds of people. This form of mass hypnosis is something that other courses don’t teach you. Learn how to hypnotize someone without them being aware of it, then learn how hypnosis is secretly used in your day to day life on you. I Also Reveal How To: use ‘authority’ and ‘suggestion’ to inspire large amounts of people to do just about anything you command. Politicians use these techniques to sway vast amounts of people to vote for them at the polls. ‘hypnotize’ seemingly ordinary people to follow you simply because you have an attractable presence they’re almost addicted to. replicate the techniques that psychics, illusionists, clairvoyants and mediums use through a skill known as ‘cold reading’. This isn’t supernatural garbage, this is a real life step by step explanation of the techniques these professions use. protect yourself against modern day charlatanism. You’ll find out how shockingly well it’s disguised within the various “alternative medicine” fields. impress your friends and strangers by using the ‘warm reading’ technique that astrologists and tarot card readers use. People will think you’re a mind reading psychic. cause large crowds of people to fall to the ground by just raising your arms. This is the same technique used by the faith healers you see on TV and at miracle crusades.get people to fall into a deep trance with just the click of your fingers. This ‘instant induction’ technique is perfect for doing anything from getting strangers to love you at first sight, right through to having people obey your commands. Steven, I just thought I’d write to you to say thank you so much! At first I thought your course was just some type of scam, but since it was referred to me by a friend I thought I’d give it a go. All I can say is wow… you’ve taught me techniques that have changed my life in many ways. Not only am I a lot more confident now when speaking with people, but at work people are actually going out of their way to do things for me. I still cant believe this actually works, but it does! Thanks Steven!Chantelle WilliamsSydney, Australia How To Persuade Anyone You’ll Ever Meet By Successfully Using Mass Hypnosis Techniques… I’m also going to be teaching you techniques you can use to achieve dominance over anyone you meet, and make them do almost anything you say, within only a few minutes of speaking to them. You can use these techniques to covertly and discreetly seduce any member of the opposite sex almost instantaneously. You’ll have people you’re attracted to not just providing you their phone numbers, but asking you if they can go back to your place ? even on the same night you meet them. I will teach you how to never pay full price for a product again, as you’ll be able to convince even the most stubborn salesmen that they should offer you a discount. And customers will begin to buy just about any product you tell them to. They’ll be doing business with you just as an excuse to talk with you. You’ll learn ways to remain in control of any conversation, to make people interested in any topic you wish to talk about. Most importantly, you will learn how to make people feel good about themselves, and by doing this, they will be like your loyal servants. You will provide people a sense of comfort they cannot get anywhere else. I happened to find out about Steven Peliari and his course “The Art Of Covert Hypnosis” totally by chance as I was browsing the Internet as I often do. I must admit I was skeptical about the topic in general, although I have seen evidence that hypnosis works to some extent. All that changed once I dwelled into the vast amount of knowledge that is provided by Steven’s course. There are so many eye openers that hit you in the face every few minutes as you read on and on, that sometimes I had to make a pause or re-read a paragraph to comprehend what was just presented. I guarantee you – this course is going to change the way you think and perceive people, reality, and yourself. With Steven’s experienced calm voice feeding you in his extensive knowledge you can be sure to grasp all of the material with ease and understanding. Hristo ItchovPlovdiv, BulgariaRacing League www.racingleague.co.ccJust have a look at some of what you will learn:Wow this has really opened my eyes to what was going on around me. I’m not saying that I was unaware of how hypnosis is being used on a day to day basis all around us, but rather how I was using it my self already every day and a lot of the time I was using it against my self. All that has changed now and it couldn’t have come at a better time, this course is like a tool kit your brain cant afford to be without. I would love to give you loads of examples of how I used it to save loads of money and make loads of new exciting friends, but I’m staying at home now all the time because we just had a baby. As I said it couldn’t have come at a better time, having a baby is the biggest test of a relationship and this has really really helped. Don’t worry I haven’t brain washed the miss, I just approach her differently and understand her and my self a lot more. I know I’m going to be using this a lot in the future, not just to get out of speeding tickets or get an upgrade on the plane but to make life smoother and help my friends. I don’t how to thank you enough, Steven, but thank you!Very kind regards, Alexis Hoskinson Portsmouth, England Professional hypnosis training workshops can cost upwards of $600 and only teach you the basics. Our program covers these basics in its first 3 chapters, then it teaches another 12 chapters worth of advanced hypnosis techniques… and for a lot less money too. This entire course will allow you to become a deadly proficient and confident covert hypnotist. Sure, at a seminar you would earn a ‘hypnotist certificate’, but that’s it. You may be able to impress a few friends at a party with several simple tricks, but certainly not the totally unforeseen mind control techniques you’re about to learn here. To become a master of Covert Hypnosis, NLP and Mentalism you could easily spend thousands of dollars on individual courses, not to mention the study time it would take. The Art of Covert Hypnosis is an all inclusive package that should sell for more, but for a limited time only… it is so very, very affordable. Best of all it’s available for immediate download. Learn The Art of Covert Hypnosis Now Dear Steve, The Art of Covert Hypnosis is not the only hypnosis program I have used but I can tell you that it is the best. I am someone who downloads a considerable number of software programs and ebooks and I appreciate it when things go well right from the beginning. The Art of Covert Hypnosis has an excellent download page. From the moment I logged in, everything went well. Full Downloads were easy and they were fast. Each chapter of ‘The Art of Covert Hypnosis’ has its own book cover image. This is not a big deal in and of itself but it does show the effort that went into the course. And ahhh, the course!! The recordings are crystal clear and the narrator has an excellent speaking voice. Also included is a complete PDF file that covers all of the recorded material. This is an in-depth package covering all aspects of hypnosis. You should really think of it like a university level term course in the subject matter. I highly recommend “The Art of Covert Hypnosis”.Best Regards,Glenn LidstoneONTARIO, Canada This Goes Way Beyond Learning A Few Party Tricks… Just To Impress Your Friends. Each chapter includes real life exercises that you can perform right from day one. The Art of Covert Hypnosis is comprised of 15 audio chapters with over 8+ hours of audio instruction. There is also a comprehensive 322 page course guidebook and exercises manual too. Be confident in knowing that even a complete novice can start right from chapter one and then gain the skills, knowledge and power necessary to become a great hypnotist by the end of the home study program. For some it can happen even faster. Clearly, this program will change your life… and almost addict you to each of the techniques you are about to learn. Soon, you will have so many new friends, potential lovers and people that are loyal to you, willing to do whatever you say, that it may come as a complete shock. From amazing party tricks to impress your friends to the most in-depth of covert hypnosis techniques, this home study program has everything right at your fingertips. I’m so confident in this program that if you don’t see positive results within the first week of study, you can ask for an immediate refund. The exercises at the end of each chapter will get you used to applying a variety of covert hypnosis techniques in real life situations. Near the end of this program you will have become a deadly proficient and extra confident covert hypnotist. Go way beyond just impressing your friends, become a master hypnotist today. Learn The Art of Covert Hypnosis Now Hi Steven, Thanks for the opportunity to learn from your covert hypnosis course. Having read and listened to other courses your Art of Covert Hypnosis gave me a new perspective and understanding of all the different ways to use Covert Hypnosis material. I like your approach of combining Hypnosis, NLP, and Mentalism to give a wide range of understanding them and how they compliment each other.Thanks again,Ian CarerrasFlorida, US A really interesting course. Narrowing down the essential fields to becoming a covert hypnotist to NLP, conventional hypnosis and mentalism prepares one’s mind for a journey on the path of higher self. This course covers a whole lot on hypnosis and influencing the mind. I have discovered through this comprehensive course just how much I do not know on how one can make seemingly magical feats occur just by using my mind. The pragmatic nature of this material makes it a must read for the budding hypnotist, and professional alike. Good one, Steve. Seyi OjewaleLagos, Nigeria Order Today And You’ll Also Get:Outlook Upon People And LifeThe Energetic State of MindThe Distancing State of MindThe Relaxed State of MindIn This Chapter You Will Learn: How to maintain a state of mind that will make people feel relaxed, comfortable and open whenever they’re within your presence. The Energetic State of Mind. Learn how to maintain a confident state of mind buzzing with enthusiasm. This state of mind will make people feel energetic whenever they speak with you. The Distancing State of Mind. The techniques you learn within this course will attract a lot of people towards you. Learn how to keep those ‘hanger ons’ away, so that you only attract the sorts of people that you want to surround yourself with. How to maintain The Relaxed State of Mind. This state of mind will help prevent anxiety, worry and fear, no matter what the circumstance. The Desire For AcknowledgementThe Command of ActionThe Revelation of SecretsThe Ball of Attractable EnergyIn This Chapter You Will Learn: How to make people do almost anything just to be acknowledged by you, through The Desire for Acknowledgement technique. The Command of Action. This 2 step conversational technique will allow you to make people take immediate action upon any subconscious suggestion you’ve planted within them. Find out what your lovers, spouse and even complete strangers are hiding through the Revelation of Secrets. This technique will make the vast majority of people completely open and honest with you. Learn how to spot when someone is lying to you. The Attractable Ball of Energy. This infamous seduction technique is simply irresistible and will have almost anyone you perform it on falling into lust for you within just a few minutes. The PerformerThe SeducerThe StorytellerIn This Chapter You Will Learn: How to bring people into false realities. How to use showmanship to enhance the illusion that you have paranormal abilities. How to take on the persona of The Seducer. By adopting this mindset and following a simple 3 step principle in all your conversations, people will find you mysterious, interesting and incredibly attractive. How to tell suspenseful stories that contain hidden subconscious suggestions. These stories present a very subtle way to use discreet hypnosis, and have been proven to be incredibly effective.Mastering ResistanceMastering RapportControlling Any ConversationIn This Chapter You Will Learn: How to Master Resistance. You will learn how four key techniques can be used to overcome any form of resistance or rejection that you may encounter in a conversation. How to Master Rapport. This section will bring together everything you’ve learned about rapport throughout the course, and will leave you with a confidence to establish rapport instantly with anyone you meet. How to prevent rapport from ever breaking. Learn one powerful technique that will ensure you never break rapport once it’s established. How to be in control of any conversation. This section will teach you how to make a person only talk about subjects that you choose. This is done so discreetly that the person will not even be aware that you’re indirectly controlling the conversation. Application of Acquired KnowledgeConsistency of PracticeThe Code of Covert HypnotistsConclusionIn This Chapter You Will Learn: How all your knowledge throughout the course comes together, combining the fields of Hypnosis, NLP and Mentalism as one. You will learn how to apply all the techniques you’ve learned to achieve almost anything within any interpersonal encounter.Ways to maintain your knowledge of covert hypnosis so that it never lapses. The Code Of Covert Hypnotists. The amount of power you will command over other people is extraordinary, therefore it is recommended you follow this code to ensure that you never misuse the techniques taught. You don’t just have to take my word for it either. Because I know my course works, I’m prepared to put my money where my mouth is by offering you a ‘No Questions Asked’ Money Back Guarantee! ??100% Money Back Guarantee I’m so confident that you’ll thoroughly enjoy The Art of Covert Hypnosis, that I guarantee you’ll be hypnotizing people within your first week. At any time within 60 days of purchasing this course, if you are notentirely satisfied with it, I Will Refund 100% of Your Money -No Questions Asked. Obviously, that guarantee is beyond fair.So here?s the real question: Are you ready to take action, or are you still letting doubt stop you? As you?ll often hear, doubt is often self-sabotage at work. Are you going to control it, or let it control you? The choice is yours.The techniques you’ll learn in my course are the real deal. They’re not fancy tricks. They’re techniques used by professional hypnotists, mentalists and seduction experts all around the world. If you only want to learn a few party tricks, then find a cheaper course elsewhere. What I’m teaching you is based upon years and years of my own hypnosis research and experience and contains techniques taught to me by the world’s leading covert hypnotists, along with my own unique techniques, all bundled together into one easy to follow package. I warn you that you will be acquiring real knowledge, real skills, and real power. If this acquisition of knowledge scares you, then this course isn’t for you, because the techniques you’ll be learning are the real deal. Imagine… You will be hypnotizing people, without them being aware of it… all within just a few days, You will be establishing instant rapport with everyone you meet, like it’s second nature, You will have people flocking around you, as if you’re a presence they’re almost addicted to, You will have people obeying your commands, being loyal to you, and doing everything they can to make you happy, You will drastically increase your sales by having clients that will find any excuse just to do business with you, You will have the power to seduce almost any member of the opposite sex… and You will be protected from all forms of covert hypnosis that others try to use on you. Learn The Art of Covert Hypnosis Now BEYOND REASON ?Hypnotic Bonus‘Street Hypnosis’ Meets ‘SuggestibilityTyping’ with A Dash of ‘Covert Element’Value: PRICELESSI’m not sure whether I should even be sharing this with the public, but I will for as long as I can. Recent discoveries suggest that people are divided into either ‘physical’ or ‘emotional’ suggestibility types. And most covert hypnotists aren’t even aware that suggestibility typing is important and therefore fail to hypnotize about 50% of the people they meet. This physical or emotional suggestibility typing builds greatly upon the teachings of Dr. Milton Erickson, the inventor of modern hypnosis. The covert hypnosis I teach takes Ericksonian Hypnosis to a whole new level, and applies hypnotic research that has only recently been discovered. I’ve been constantly refining my techniques so that I can bring you only the best techniques that work in real life situations and encounters. This is ‘street hypnosis’ mixed with a powerful ‘covert’ element. Here you will learn Hypnosis, NLP and Mentalism all together. This trilogy of disciplines will show you exactly how to unleash the real power of covert hypnosis onto anyone you meet. That’s a 100% success rate not found anywhere else. Learn The Art of Covert Hypnosis Now Your power to hypnotize is only a few clicks away. The knowledge contained in this course is about to set your dreams on fire. .. and head you off in an entirely new and positive direction… I guarantee it. As a fan of The Secret and the Law of Attraction I was always intrigued about how those spiritual things really work. I needed an explanation. Scientific facts. The Law of Attraction suggests: “ask the universe”. So, I did. To my surprise within a couple of days I stumbled upon Steven’s course online. Not only did the course lay out all the science behind the power of the Law of Attraction, it also gave me the tools to stop hoping for things and start making them happen. Highly recommend Steven’s course. In short… Get it! Ran WeissEntrepreneurIsraelwww.The11UncoveredLaws.com YES! Give Me The Art of Covert Hypnosis Home Study Program Now!I Want To Full Download This Immediately Before The Price Goes Up Anytime and Without Warning…I understand my copy of The Art Of Covert Hypnosis contains instant downloadable access to the following:My full 322 page study guide which contains detailed covert hypnosis information and techniques,My 16 week?home study plan.? This guide also contains full audio transcripts of all the chapters,15 Audio Chapters, containing over 8 hours of easy-to-understand and follow audio content.6 Powerful Bonuses worth over $1,200Revision and Exercises Manual. This?is an amalgamation of all the revision questions and exercise key concepts, A ‘No Questions Asked’ 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.Any future product updates, and support, free of chargeand much, much moreIf I apply what I learn and do not see results, I can request a full refund at any time during the 8 weeks from time of purchase. I understand I’ll be downloading the entire Art Of Covert Hypnosis Home Study Package for a small one-time payment of just $1997, $799…$197 (For A Limited Time Only) (Processed Through ClickBank Secure SSL Server) (I reserve the right to end this discount at anytime and without warning.)I look forward to hearing about your success,Steven Peliari Certified Master HypnotistChairman of the International Hypnosis Association P.S. I hate to repeat myself, but I am going to one more time. This is only for those that are serious about learning how to hypnotize anyone at will, are willing to follow a proven blueprint to covert hypnosis, and are willing to take control of their life. If you’re not serious, if you’re skeptical or if you just want to “think” about it, then please move over and let someone else who wants to order a copy. I don’t mean to sound harsh, but it’s the damn truth. However, if you are interested and pumped up by the excitement knowing you can put this home study course to create wildly successfuly happiness for yourself, then order your copy now.Questions, Comments? Feel free to contact me.Steven Peliari, world famous master hypnotist and Chairman of the International Hypnosis Association reveals all the secrets you need to hypnotize others without them knowing for your own benefits and financial reward. To live an extraordinary life, achieve your goals and live your dreams like never before learn The Art of Covert Hypnosis now.
Previous: WARNING: When we released Antichrist Identity I-IV, 15 times we had to convince our service provider not to shut down our website because of numerous complaints they had received. With the Antichrist Identity V don’t be surprised if this website is not here tomorrow.Health or No Health. This report had to be released!My name is Mel Sanger, the author of this eagerly awaited, new unique release called the Antichrist Identity V.The research for this new publication is based on 12 months of study. You may not be aware but this publication was supposed to have been launched in July 2011. Unfortunately halfway through writing this report I became seriously ill and was advised by the doctors because of my medical condition to take early retirement. However in September against their advice and the advice of many I decided to continue the completion of this project as I just wasn’t able to live with myself knowing that I was unable to complete this project, especially at a time which is one of the most critical phases in the development of the antichrist new world order and one world government.So I am thankful that this report is now complete and ready for you to download, but first I wanted to ask you something.A Serious Question For You!Do you believe that major developments such as the Arab Spring (i.e. the revolutions taking place across the Arab world like Libya, Egypt etc), the absolute chaos in the European Union with the bankruptcy of Greece, Italy, Portugal, the emergence of the Vatican backing Germany as the one country that the European Union is dependant on for its survival are events that are totally unrelated?What about the August riots in the United Kingdom, the creation of the Tony Blair faith foundation, the implementation of socialist policies by Barack Obama in the US, the leak that several major research facilities successfully creating unethical animal hybrids, the coming plans of a global body to regulate the internet and Switzerland giving into pressure regarding its 100 year old banking privacy policies….Do you believe that all of these events and many more that I could spell out are simply happening by chance?Or are you a person who believes that there is some intelligent design behind everything that is going on around you in the news regarding the economy and politics.When you switch on the TV and see the music being propelled by some of the world major music stars such as Jay Z, Kanye West, Rihanna, Beyonce and Lady Gaga, does your TV have the special ability to slow down what you are watching by 90% so that you can see the hidden symbols that are flashing too fast for the human eye to be even aware of? If you were to see these symbols and then go to your local library and see these symbols in books associated with witchcraft and demonology would you simply shrug your shoulders and say its sheer coincidence.You see the reason for the release of the Antichrist Identity V is that 98% of the population are living in ignorance. 98% of the population do not have any idea as to what is happening in today’s world. Like sheep they simply do what they are told and accept what they see and hear.And I am sure also where you personally have tried to present people with truth or tried to get people to think outside of the box about the real reason that specific events are happening you have been given the cold shoulder, or have been laughed at or looked upon as being someone weird or even been accused of being a possible danger to society.? The Spirit of the Antichrist!You see many people are talking about looking for the Antichrist and I can agree that I do believe that there will be a coming personal Antichrist. However there is also something called the spirit of the Antichrist and whether its politics, economics, music, hollywood, religion, science or the environmental agenda, the spirit of the Antichrist has infiltrated every aspect of society and has in one of the most lethal ways conditioned us to not even be aware of the changes taking place which are propelling us rapidly into the clutches of a one world government.What is the Antichrist Identity V?The Antichrist Identity V is the final part of a major series in which I will name the names of the people who are supporting this diabolical agenda. Not only names but also the organizations that have been set up specifically to carry us into a one world government dictatorship without people even realizing what is is happening before its too late.There is so much information that you need to see that I have had to divide the report into the 5 following parts. Over 350 pages, 300 footnotes and 100 illustrations for what is a fascinating but heart wrenching journey in understanding the relevance of the world government agenda being rolled right now in April 2012.So lets take a look now at some examples of the features tackled in the Antichrist Identity V.1. Foundation of Global Government (The Political Agenda)Why has all of a sudden the European Union suddenly imploded and in economic turmoil? What does this mean for the future of Europe and the world economy? (Addressed in Part 1: Page 66)Are you aware that the United States is still controlled by Great Britain and the Crown? Who are the black nobility, who believe they are the descendants of King David? (Addressed in Part 1: Page 37)What was leaked as the key objectives of the Bilderberger agenda this year in St Moritz? (Addressed in Part 1: Page 76)What is actually happening across the Arab world right now with the overthrow of Gadaffi in Libya, Mubarak in Egypt and revolutions and uprisings in other Arab states. What is the prophetic significance. Does this bode well for world peace? (Addressed in Part 1: Page 85)Is it true that many of the new policies signed by Barack Obama share a striking similarity to those policies that were the soul of the Soviet Union before the collapse of communism? (Addressed in Part 1: Page 80)2. The Abolition of Privacy (The Privacy Agenda)Are you aware that in June 2011 that Barack Obama? was given power by the Senate to seize control of parts of the internet and order its complete shutdown? What is the future for free speech on the internet? (Addressed in Part 2: Page 5)How could Switzerland, one of the last bastions of banking privacy give into the United States and reveal the names of over 500 individuals in the US with offshore accounts in Switzerland. Why is it that within the next 3 years that offshore banking and banking privacy will be a thing of the past? (Addressed in Part 2: Page 17)In August 2011 the US government made a statement that they would scrap the Fairness Doctrine, a policy which could have killed off internet talk radio stations,? However why is this a smokescreen which is lulling talk radio stations into a false sense of security? (Addressed in Part 2: Page 23)30 of the most common questions regarding the RFID microchip which is being pushed by the PositiveID corporation. i.e. Does the chip implants cause cancer tumors? What information is stored on the chip?? (Addressed in Part 2: Page 30)3. Super Technology and Dark Genetics (The Science/Paranormal Agenda)Why is there so much significance attached to Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany’s fascination with the occult and UFO’s? What happened to all of their research and findings after their defeat at the hand of the allies during World War II? (Addressed in Part 3: Page 5)Is there such as thing as an inter-dimensional portal or a gateway between the physical realm and the realm of angels? A massive interview with a world authority who was involved with the US government stargate agenda! Addressed in Part 3: Page 36)Did Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons really try to create the child of the devil? What is the link between their moonchild ritual, Rosemary’s Baby and Avatar? Addressed in Part 3: Page 87)Which particular form of Genetic technology is closely associated with the creation of the Antichrist? Addressed in Part 3: Page 99)4. Decoding The Messages (The Media Agenda)How could innocent looking movies such as Sherlock Holmes and the Wizard of Oz actually be full of decoded occultic messages?If you have friends who closely follow many of today’s music stars whether on MTV, American Idol, X Factor etc how do you believe they would react if you were to give them access to the video documentaries which come with this package so they could visually see the seductive dangers pointed out in this report?In what way has Hollywood tried to pervert the true history of freemasonry and the Illuminati so that we believe these are simply legends rather than actual fact.Kanye West, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Beyonce – What is the significance of them including the the symbol of the horned devil,? Baphomet and other occult messages in their music videos. Is this sheer coincidence or intelligent design?5. Codex Alimentarius, The Green Religion and the Interfaith Agenda (The Religious/Ecology Agenda)Why is Codex Alimentarius an incredible plot to wipe out the alternative therapy and alternative supplement market. What role and significance do the big Pharmaceutical cartels have in Congress. (Addressed in Part 5: Page 4)The Club Of Rome agenda to reduce the world population and promote Gaia principles has taken on a more aggressive tone over the last few years. Which individuals and companies are forcing its agenda through? Addressed in Part 5: Page 22)The big show stopper between Islam and Christianity is the theology of Jesus Christ so how can a one world religion truly emerge or is there an umbilical chord which could possibly unite Islam and Christianity? (Addressed in Part 5: Page 69)Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) has previously kicked people off its airtime including Jack Van Impe and Hal Lindsey, yet Joel Osteen who recently stated that Mormons were our Christian brothers is given all the airtime he needs What is actually going on with Paul and Sandra Crouch? ?(Addressed in Part 5: Page 83)What Makes This Report Different From Others!Recently I was interviewed about this publication and asked what makes this different from other reports on the topic. My response was that there has literally been no report published this year which tackles the breadth of information in these reports. Many of the reports released this year are mainly focused on 2012 as being the end of the world and simply scare tactics. The Antichrist Identity V was written for serious people who don’t want pages of regurgitated junk about how to take your family to some cave out in the desert with tins of imperishable food items and wait for the storm to blow over. This is serious stuff. We are talking here about things that will impact you, your children and grandchildren. We are talking here about the eternal? destiny of people being at stake. These are issues we cannot run away from or hide in a cave waiting for it to go away.However because I believe 100% whole heartedly that people need to be empowered to do their own research that is why with this report you have over 300 footnotes to follow up on to check the sources of information that has been used to put this research together. It is vital that you understand that the things happening are really and honestly real.We cannot prevent bible prophecy from being fulfilled but we can inform people so that they are not deceived by agreeing to things that could impact their eternity, safety, privacy or religious rights.Do I Need to Have Read Antichrist Identity I-IV before this 5 Part Report?No, there is an introduction report which comes with this package which provides an overview of the Antichrist Identity Part I-III which was released in 2008 and the Antichrist Identity IV (“Holy War”) which was released in 2009. So if this is the first time you are aware of this series you can dive in straight away. The Antichrist Identity V is the closing piece of this series and by far the most critical and relevant yet so you can download it straight away without worrying about missing previous reports in the series.A Tribute from Reece WoodstockHi All. My name is Reece Woodstock and I am the Chief Editor for the Global Watch Weekly report which goes out to thousands of people every Friday. I have known Mel Sanger for the last 7 years and I am deeply? saddened by the fact that he has had to take early retirement next month because he has been an incredible person to work with. His insights and ability to breakdown and explain the meaning of current events has been simply astonishing at times. He has my full recommendation. I was honored to review a pre release of the Antichrist Identity V and simply could not put the report down, especially Part 3.? Our weekly reports are good but they pale in comparison to the level of detail that Sanger provides. A simply amazing piece of work by any standard.Hey All. I am Kerry and I have known Mel personally for the last 2 years. I also am the administrator support for our members. It was Mel who helped me to understand that some of the programs I was making my kids watch were simply unsuitable. Mel has helped my eyes to be opened. Before I used to think a lot of this information was simply the work of over zealous religious nuts.? But over time I am thankful that the scales have been removed from my eyes and I have been able to see the sinister way in which a new world order is being rolled out. In my review of the pre-release, Part 4 was the most relevant because it really gives insight into the power of music and film to influence our youth today. Like Reece I am devastated that Mel his retiring but feel blessed to know him and his great work.This is Your Choice! There is no beating around the bush or hard sell with this mammoth report. Surely something deep within your soul is aware that something is not right about what we are being fed on the news about the economy. Why is that one week you are told that the economy is experiencing growth and then the next minute you are told that the recession is worsening. The yo yo effect of the media is creating significant fear within the population and it is fear which the global elite feed on. Fear of terrorism, fear of the end of the world happening in 2012, fear of lack of employment, fear of not believing that the police will aid you when needed, fear that someone can break into your house and if you injure them the law is not on your side. Yet it is through fear that more electronic surveillance is being installed, it is because of fear why they are seeking to control the internet and blackberry messaging systems. It is because of fear why eventually the population will be convinced that microchip technology will be the new future of crime control.We need to wake up so that we can be aware of these things and take a stand for what is right and support those in our political and educational system who are daring to be giants and go against the flow in shining the torch on exposing falsehood and delaying the global elite plans by reconnecting our nations to the importance of true prayer, the family unit, the importance of marriage and positive role models. Take your first step and be one of the 2% of the population who are seeking the alternative truth.I promise you, you will not have seen anything as detailed as this report. It is by far the most comprehensive and detailed work that I have ever produced.With the report you will also receive some fantastic additional special bonuses. so click the link below to find out more.Click here for Details of How to Obtain the Report, Literally in Minutes……Yours Sincerely?Mel SangerAuthor, The Antichrist Identity Report VClick here for Details of How to Obtain the Report, Literally in Minutes…..

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